Dr. Zsombor Bedő: +3630-2439-995 Dr. Virág Bognár: +3630-2444-432 1136 Budapest, Hegedűs Gyula street 33. E-mail: rendelo@360dental.hu


  • online booking
  • phone: Dr. Virág Bognár: +36302444432; Dr. Zsombor Bedő: +36302439995
  • e-mail: rendelo@360dental.hu
  1. Eat before your appointment!
    Most of our procedures are performed with local anesthesia, so you will not be able to eat int he following 2-3 hours because of the numbness.
  2. Brush your teeth!
    Brushing your teeth is a daily routine, please do it as well right before your treatment. Without any food rests and plaque stuck between your teeth your dentist will be able to examine your teeth and gums thoroughly.
  3. Please bring a full list of your medicines you are currently taking and any allergies you might have.
  4. Please bring your national insurance card!
    In order to give you a receipt to any medication you will need your national insurance number, even if it is inactive currently.
  5. If you have any X-ray taken of your teeth in the past 6 months please bring it with yourself.

If your treatment was preceded by local anesthesia, you are not recommended to eat in the following 2-3 hours. Please wait until after the numbing agent has worn off, otherwise you can accidentally bite your tongue or cause other injuries.

If your treatment was preceded by local anesthesia, you are not recommended to eat in the following 2-3 hours. Please wait until after the numbing agent has worn off, otherwise you can accidentally bite your tongue or cause other injuries.

After root canal treatment, it is totally common to have a dull pain in your tooth. This can be relieved by taking normal receipt-free painkillers.

However, if the pain is getting sharp and throbbing, we kindly ask you to contac your dentist.

We have a handout you can download from here: Tooth extraction aftercare
Warranty period:
  • Fillings, inlay/onlay, veneers: 1 year
  • Implants: 10 years (breaks, cracks of the implant screw)
  • Crowns, bridges: 3 years
  • Combinated dentures: 3 years
In which case is the guarantee valid?
  • The patient keeps to the oral hygiene instructions and special cleaning procedures advised by their dentist.
  • The patient attends to the complimentary screenings every 6 months in our office.
  • The patient goes through in the following 30 days all the inevitable procedures your dentist recommended you to do.
  • A pótlást rendeltetésszerűen használja, kizárólag fiziológiás rágóerőknek teszi ki, amelyek nem vezetnek a fogmű túlterheléséhez
  • The prosthesis or implant is used as intended, the preparation is only affected by physiological forces excepted from chewing, and does not lead to its strain.
We cannot provide guarantee in the following cases:
  • smoking
  • extreme alcohol intake
  • if there is a general illness occurring that has negative effects on the dental condition
  • accident, spot or an injury caused by a third person
  • the preparation is not used as intended, and put under extreme strain
  • mechanical or chemical injury of the denture
  • problems deriving from physiological or mental diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, chemotherapy, allergies
  • pulpitis, gingivitis and periodontitis
  • the patient does not attempt the 6 months screenings
  • the patient does not keep to the oral hygiene instructions advised by the dentist, the preparation is not kept clean

For the most accurate information, please consult us via phone or e-mail.