Wisdom tooth removal
Specialists have different opinions regarding the removal of wisdom teeth. Should we take it out before it grows out, or should we wait until it causes a problem?
Don’t hesitate, because wisdom teeth can cause many problems:
- Inflammation, there is no hope for a normal breakthrough
- Deeply rotten, difficult to clean
- The starting point of a cyst or tumor
- Could grow in the wrong place – your teeth can get crowded, even if you use
- braces
- It can cause decay and absorption of the root of the tooth in front of it
We look forward to seeing you! Ask us for an appointment today so that we can eliminate the cause of your complaints together!
Wisdom teeth
We call wisdom teeth the 8th teeth located at the back of the tooth row, i.e. the 3rd molars. They typically emerge around the age of 16-24, as long as there is enough room for them to emerge. If pre-eruption is obstructed, either due to lack of space or because of an abnormal position of the tooth, they can cause unpleasant complaints.
Wisdom teeth are actually evolutionary remnants. The primitive man needed a powerful chewing due to his consumption of raw food, so the third molars played a full-fledged role in nutrition. Nowadays, we consume much more refined, processed and cooked food than our ancestors, so the role of wisdom teeth has also fallen into the background, they have become “redundant”.
Wisdom teeth are also our most varied teeth in terms of shape: they can have roots and root canals of different, even extreme shapes, which can make their treatment difficult in some cases.
What complaints can an inappropriately growing wisdom tooth cause?
Complaints are most often caused by severe eruption, when the wisdom tooth gets stuck in the bone or in the adjacent tooth during growth, thus stopping the process of eruption. In technical terms, this is called an impacted wisdom tooth. This may be symptom-free for a long time, or periodic pain may occur.
The symptoms depend on how deep the tooth is located, whether it is completely embedded in the bone or partially covered by the gum, and is also influenced by oral hygiene. Inflammation of the soft tissues around an improperly growing wisdom tooth, pain in neighboring teeth, mouth closure or limited mouth opening, and pain radiating to different areas of the head are common. In more severe cases, swelling and difficulty swallowing may also occur, in which case you should consult a specialist immediately.
A case can also occur when a wisdom tooth has been standing in an abnormal position for many years, and because of this, the adjacent tooth begins to decay or root resorption begins. A cyst may develop in the vicinity of the tooth, or jaw joint complaints or focal disease of dental origin may also occur.
When should a wisdom tooth be removed?
Based on literature recommendations, the oral surgeon decides whether it is necessary to remove the given wisdom tooth.
A wisdom tooth should be removed if:
- causes inflammation, there is no hope for a normal breakthrough
- deeply rotten, difficult to clean
- the starting point of a cyst or tumor
- recommended by an orthodontist
We do not remove wisdom teeth if:
- fits in the dental arch, the patient can clean properly and participates in chewing
- its location is painless and surgically critical
Wisdom tooth removal process
Most wisdom tooth removals are done painlessly, under local anesthesia, whether we are talking about simple or surgical removal. Which intervention is performed depends on the location of the teeth, the bone around the wisdom tooth and the course of the roots.
In our clinic, modern equipment and a well-prepared, highly experienced oral surgeon ensure professional-level wisdom tooth removal, whether it is a simple tooth extraction or surgical intervention.
If you would like a personalized consultation, contact us here.