When and why is wisdom tooth surgery necessary?

The wisdom teeth are actually our third molars, which are the last elements of the dentition. Early humans still needed these teeth, but today they are just a nuisance to most people. These teeth bear traces of human evolution, but modern diets and anatomy have rendered them redundant and can often cause both discomfort and health problems. In our article, we present the history and role of wisdom teeth, as well as when and why wisdom tooth surgery may be necessary.

After dental screening the next step is local anesthesia

Briefly about wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, as already mentioned, are our third molars. There are usually four such teeth in the mouth of adults, one in each quadrant. Wisdom teeth mainly begin to form in early adolescence, but it is also possible that they do not erupt until the late teens or early twenties, or they do not erupt at all. In the optimal case, the wisdom teeth emerge nicely gradually through the gums, in a straight direction out of the soft tissue. But why might the removal of a wisdom tooth be necessary?

In addition to the above, there are several types of wisdom tooth eruption. These teeth protrude completely or only partially from under the gums. It is also possible that the tooth remains in the jawbone. In that case, it is definitely worth considering the probability of wisdom tooth surgery. The best option is when the tooth grows straight out, parallel to the other teeth. On the other hand, it may happen that it starts growing laterally or obliquely, thus even causing damage to neighboring teeth. Then a wisdom tooth surgery may be necessary.

What role can wisdom teeth play?

The role of wisdom teeth

In the course of human evolution, wisdom teeth played a huge role, and the presence of such a tooth was not necessarily frowned upon at the time. Our distant ancestors, who basically had larger jaws than today, ate food that was harder to chew. The ancient diet consisted of tough, fibrous plant based meals and raw meats, which required wisdom teeth to grind, and there were no modern wisdom teeth surgeries at the time. In addition, the original teeth often decayed and fell out or were removed, so an extra chewing tooth came in handy even in the 20s.

However, modern human nutrition has fundamentally changed, so it may be necessary to remove wisdom teeth. The consumption of softer and more processed foods generally required less chewing, and the development of cooking and food preparation also made it easier to chew food. As a result, the need for large and powerful molars was significantly reduced, and wisdom teeth also lost their evolutionary function significantly. This is also why wisdom tooth surgery may be necessary today, since teeth do not behave as they did in ancient times.

In addition, even the size of the human jaw has changed over the millennia, so it is not surprising that there is not enough room for the teeth in the mouth. Modern man’s jaw sizes are generally smaller, and as a result wisdom teeth often do not have enough room to erupt properly. This can often lead to wisdom tooth surgery.

This reduced prominence and narrow space often leads to dental problems such as overcrowding, misalignment, turning of teeth and wedging of wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth formed during human evolution are thus a reminder not only of our past, but also of our dental challenges today. In addition, wisdom tooth surgery is a very common procedure nowadays.

Wisdom tooth pain can be very severe

What kind of problems can wisdom teeth cause?

These delicate teeth can cause many problems not only when they cannot erupt in the right direction, but also when they are growing normally. In that case, it is worth consulting a specialist, who may even recommend wisdom tooth surgery. What problems can we face?

Impacted wisdom tooth

Impaction refers to the tooth position when the wisdom tooth cannot fully erupt into its normal position in the mouth. This mostly happens when the wisdom tooth does not get enough space to grow, or other teeth or bones block its path. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, discomfort and problems. In this case, wisdom tooth surgery is recommended, so complications and their consequences can be prevented.


Wisdom teeth can contribute to overcrowding of the dentition, which often results in wisdom tooth surgery. Often there is not enough space for the wisdom teeth to erupt and therefore they put pressure or tension on the adjacent teeth. Unfortunately, this can lead to disorders, discomfort and even bite problems.

In addition, neighboring teeth can also move, which can cause further problems and even tooth loss. Then it is recommended to think about removing the wisdom tooth so that the other teeth can remain intact in the long term.

A toothache can be unbearable


Wisdom teeth often create gaps between the gum and the sides of the teeth, where food debris can get trapped and bacteria can build up. And due to improper cleaning, these can lead to gingivitis, which can be accompanied by pain, swelling and discomfort. In severe cases, infections can spread to the throat or neck and cause serious health problems.

Therefore, it is important to regularly check the wisdom teeth, and if a problem arises, it is recommended to seek medical help in time. Unfortunately, many people leave this step to the last minute, so there is no other solution than wisdom tooth surgery.

Damage to adjacent teeth

Wisdom teeth can put pressure on adjacent molars, which can lead to various dental problems. Adjacent teeth can be damaged or displaced, and wisdom teeth can cause further damage to adjacent tooth’s roots, creating long-term health problems.

Dentists usually monitor the effect of wisdom teeth on other teeth in the mouth. If any problem arises, they can recommend a suitable treatment or wisdom tooth surgery in order to preserve the health of the teeth. That is why it is important to visit a dentist or an oral surgeon in time, who can come up with the right suggestion in order to alleviate and solve the problem.

X-ray image of problematic wisdom teeth

Common symptoms

Unfortunately, wisdom teeth often cause unpleasant symptoms for those who are sensitive to it or whose teeth are still growing. However, complaints may also occur when the teeth were not properly cleaned and the invading bacteria caused inflammation. In addition, even if the tooth has not completely erupted from under the gum, inflammation occurs due to the food pieces left there and the bacteria settling on it. In such cases, it is also worth considering the possibility of wisdom tooth surgery, since in more serious cases it may no longer be worth saving the tooth.

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

  • Pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth.
  • Swelling and tenderness of the gums in the affected area.
  • Difficulty opening the mouth.
  • Bad taste or bad breath due to stuck food and bacteria.
  • Pain or discomfort when chewing.
  • Headache or earache with wisdom tooth pain.

It can be seen from the above that complaints do not necessarily develop in one day. In addition, with regular check-ups, the problem can be detected in time, and wisdom tooth surgery can be avoided. In other cases, however, it is recommended to remove the wisdom tooth if we do not want a more serious problem to arise in the long term with the other teeth.

Our Dental Clinic could help

This is the procedure of the surgery

The first step of wisdom tooth surgery is a preliminary assessment. During this, the doctor reviews the medical history, examines the patient’s teeth and asks about possible allergies. This way they can discuss the course of treatment and any concerns.

In the next step of wisdom tooth surgery, the oral surgeon anesthetizes the given area with a pleasant-tasting gel substance, and if this has worked, the patient receives an injection with a stronger active ingredient. During wisdom tooth surgery, the specialist makes an incision on the gum above the tooth, which is not felt at all due to the injection received, so there is no need to be afraid of this. In addition, in every case, he also tells in advance what is happening, which gives many patients peace of mind.

It may happen that in some cases a small part of the jawbone has to be removed to reach the tooth, but in this case there is no need to be afraid either, as our highly experienced doctors perform this operation perfectly. The surgeon then carefully removes the wisdom tooth using special tools.

Complications can also occur during wisdom tooth surgery. If the tooth is problematic or its growth is stuck in the jawbone, it may be necessary to divide it into smaller parts for easier removal. Therefore, the tooth can be removed piece by piece during wisdom tooth surgery, so there is no need to create a larger incision and wound. After the tooth is removed, the surgeon immediately stitches up the incision site, and as a result, the postoperative healing can begin.

The sutures now consist of a special absorbable material, but if it becomes uncomfortable for the patient, it can be removed after recovery, accompanied by a control. The patient will receive detailed instructions after surgery, including guidelines for eating, drinking, and pain management. It is important that the consumption of any dairy products is not recommended in the days after wisdom tooth surgery, for example coffee with milk.

We also inform our patients about possible side effects and complications so that they are aware of everything. Recovery time can vary from person to person, but usually involves a few days to a week of rest and limited physical activity. This way, the place of the tooth can heal properly and will not cause problems in the future.


Wisdom teeth often cause various problems, even affecting neighboring teeth. When these problems occur, wisdom tooth surgery can often be the only solution. During the procedure, the wisdom tooth is removed in order to eliminate the pain and thereby prevent infections and later complications. After surgery, it is important that patients follow the oral surgeon’s instructions for a quick and smooth recovery. If you have an inflamed, painful feeling about one of your wisdom teeth, feel free to visit us at 360 Dental Clinic!