Tooth loss can usually be the result of periodontal disease, tooth decay or even an accident. Fortunately, today there are great solutions in case you have lost one or more teeth. One such treatment with an almost natural effect is dental implantation. During the operation, an artificial root is installed in the jaw, on which a crown, a multi-unit denture or a removable denture is placed.
If this topic is new to you, a little help regarding dental implant quality and dental implant prices could be helpful. In our article, we present the best available different materials, the comparison of dental implant prices, and also the different cost adders of a complete dental implant treatment.
Material quality
During implantation, it is recommended to choose the strongest possible materials, however, not everyone can afford the most expensive solutions. Below we show which material has which properties and how this affects the affordability of dental implant prices. In addition, it may be worth considering the price of a possible wisdom tooth removal, if this surgery is necessary for implantation.
Titanium is the most commonly used material for dental implants, as this metal is biocompatible with the human body, so there is very little chance of rejection. In fact, in the form of an artificial tooth root, it is completely integrated into the jawbone, so the finished dental implant will behave like the root of a your original tooth. Its biocompatibility is also manifested in the fact that, based on today’s scientific knowledge, it does not cause allergies, so even those with metal allergies have the opportunity to achieve a wide smile again.
Due to the properties above, titanium is proven to be successful in the field of implant dentistry. Another advantage of titanium is that it is strong and durable and can withstand high chewing forces. This is very important, since the human dentition is also used to grind food with a harder texture, as it makes the work of the digestive system easier. By the way, you can keep your teeth and chewing muscles strong by chewing.
It is recommended to pay high-quality dental implant prices, as the investment in your health pays off thanks to its exceptional durability and longevity. In addition, the neighboring teeth do not start to move after the implantation, so there is no need to spend money on orthodontic treatment to fix it. Whereas if you don’t get an implant, these unpleasant tooth movements can certainly occur. Dental implant prices are therefore quickly repaid.
Titanium implants are suitable for most patients. It is worth choosing this solution not only because of its quality and biocompatibility, but also because it offers a cost-effective option thanks to its proven performance. Dental implant prices can even be paid with a health fund card (if you work in Hungary), from which you can get a tax refund at the beginning of the year.
The dental implant made of zirconium is an alternative to titanium, it also has more advantageous properties, but its bearing capacity is proven to be worse than that of titanium.
Zirconium is primarily known for its extremely natural, tooth-like appearance and color, but it also has several advantages. Because of its biocompatibility and hypoallergenic properties, zirconium may be particularly attractive to those with metal allergies or other sensitivities, but titanium is also suitable for this. In addition, due to its poor thermal conductivity, it does not transfer heat to the fabrics, and its color is also advantageous from an aesthetic point of view.
Zirconium implants are generally more expensive than titanium implants. Dental implant prices depend on the material quality and how complicated the manufacturing process is. However, it is also worth knowing that you can pay for the implants and their implantation with the health fund card (if you work in Hungary), so you can even claim a tax refund at the beginning of the year.
Although the material seems to be more natural, our dentists do not recommend this type because the results of clinical trials are not very encouraging. However, artificial roots made of zirconium look excellent even in the case of cervical wear, they may not bear the chewing load of the posterior part as well as they should. Thus, a zirconium implant can be less durable, especially in the case of back teeth.
In this case, dental implant prices are therefore generally higher in initial cost due to the technology of the material and the manufacturing process, but in addition, it does not necessarily give a more lasting result. In any case, you should ask the professional opinion of the oral surgeon about the planned implants, so that permanent tooth replacement can be ensured in the long term.
Design and used brands
Oral surgery procedures require more preparations due to their higher complexity, during which the dentist not only performs a condition assessment, but also complete planning, which also includes the selection of material quality. Dental implant prices also depend on the material and brand of the artificial root being installed. The dentist will provide information about this and you can then decide which one you want.
It is important to know that complicated dental implant designs can lead to additional costs, since a straight installation is much simpler and risk-free than an inclined one, and a straight head is cheaper than an angle compensator. In addition, implants designed for individual cases can be more expensive, which can also increase dental implant prices.
Dental implant prices can vary significantly among different brands, depending on factors such as the reputation of the brand and the types of materials used. High-end brands are often available at higher prices, but they may even offer special benefits. Examples include the possibility of a longer warranty, or extended clinical research on the given dental implant and its use.
Experience of the oral surgeon
Dental implant prices also largely depend on how much experience the oral surgeon has in implanting. It does matter whether you choose a dentist who is just starting out or someone who has already solved many, even more complicated, cases. Oral surgeons solve unexpected challenges and problems that may arise during surgery in a much more professional way, but they also do not shy away from planning more complicated procedures.
When you make up your mind to have a dental implant, the first step is to ask for a consultation, where the dentist will perform a health assessment. In this case, he examines not only the place of implantation, but also its surroundings, as well as the installation possibilities based on the X-ray or CT images. It is a complicated process that requires a high degree of expertise, so the prices of dental implants can be higher than a simple basic dental treatment. In addition, you should prepare for the fact that the removal of one or more wisdom teeth may also be discussed.
Oral surgeons often ask for higher fee in the case of possible replacement of several teeth, as well as for more complicated and difficult operations. The surgeon’s expertise can reduce the possibility of problems and the risk of complications, which can reduce long-term dental implant prices.
Procedures prior to implantation
The cost of a dental implant surgery can depend on many things. For example, dental implant prices can be affected by whether there is sufficient amount or quality of bone at the implant site and whether it needs to be replaced. Steady foundations are very important during implantation, as the artificial root to be implanted will only last if it is surrounded by suitable bone.
What does the amount of bone depend on? If several years have passed since the removal of the previous tooth, you probably haven’t used that jawbone area for chewing for a long time. As a result, the amount of bone is constantly decreasing, and it is no longer suitable to hold a tooth root and then play an important role in chewing.
Bone replacement surgery offers a solution to this, so with the proper health status and precautions, the amount of bone is restored with the help of the procedure. By replacing the bone material, the area becomes suitable for implantation, but this will also affect the dental implant prices.
What is Sinus lift procedure?
A procedure that can be carried out together with bone replacement surgery, which enables the space in the facial cavity to be enlarged. This means that, approached from the direction of the missing tooth, the inner side of the sinus is raised in order to allow the appropriate amount of bone replacement material to enter here. This may usually be necessary if the sinus extends into the implant site in the upper jawbone.
By the way, this operation causes the least possible pain, and is not only very effective, but also safe and fast. Bone replacement and the sinus lift procedure also increase the cost of the entire dental implant treatment. The price of these processes varies depending on the required augmentation, i.e. the degree of bone building, since more materials naturally cost more.
Dental implant prices therefore depend on the quality of the chosen material, the professional experience and practice of qualified doctors, as well as the complexity of the design and implementation. In terms of material quality, however, it is better to choose titanium, as zirconium is not recommended by our dentists due to its lower load capacity.
Before the implantation, a health assessment is definitely necessary, since it is from this that the course of the implantation can be determined, as well as whether bone replacement and a sinus lift are necessary. Their importance lies in enabling the successful insertion of the implant, especially in cases of bone deficiency. In this way, the implant will be much more durable and the risk of any complications occurring during the operation will also be low.
If you have decided that you want a dental implant, you should check in with us at the 360 Dental Clinic for a preliminary health assessment, where you can get all the information from our dentists. Thanks to our extensive experience, they will not only be able to answer all your questions, but will also be able to respond professionally to complications that may arise during the operation.